Third Thursday Book Club

In the Lower Level Meeting Room & Online via Zoom

Exploring newly-published fiction. This group now meets in the afternoon and in the evening each third Thursday of the month. 

Register here if you choose to attend online. You do not need to register if you choose to attend in person. Indicate whether you plan to attend online for the afternoon meeting or the evening meeting. Event is free and open to the public. All are welcome.

December 21: River Sing Me Home by Eleanor Shearer

“Her search begins with an ending.…

“The master of the Providence plantation in Barbados gathers his slaves and announces the king has decreed an end to slavery. As of the following day, the Emancipation Act of 1834 will come into effect. The cries of joy fall silent when he announces that they are no longer his slaves; they are now his apprentices. No one can leave. They must work for him for another six years. Freedom is just another name for the life they have always lived. So Rachel runs.

“She is driven on by the certainty that a mother cannot be truly free without knowing what has become of her children, even if the answer is more than she can bear. These are the stories of Mary Grace, Micah, Thomas Augustus, Cherry Jane and Mercy. But above all this is the story of Rachel and the extraordinary lengths to which a mother will go to find her children...and her freedom.” – Amazon

Contact or 920-623-5910
Third Thursday Book Club: River Sing Me Home